358 Security Fence: Anti-cut fence, Anti-climb Mesh Security Fence

358 Security Fence: Anti-cut fence, Anti-climb Mesh Security Fence

101 Lingyuan Park Building, Anping, Hebei, China. – 安平县 – 中国, 渤海湾208965Facebook
产业 > 建设。建筑材料。设施..专利, 应用
产业 > 金属,废旧,矿产,采矿..虚拟,全息图,3D,
70 Crossings是一切
安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 努美阿 (新喀里多尼亚)安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 巴里 (???)
安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 努库阿洛法 (汤加)安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 密克罗尼西亚 (密克罗尼西亚)
安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 阿皮亚 (萨摩亚)安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 苏瓦 (斐济)
安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 奥克兰 (新西兰)安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 霍尼亚拉 (所罗门群岛)
安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 塔拉瓦苏尔 (基里巴斯)安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 帕皮提 (法属波利尼西亚)
安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 阿德莱德 (澳大利亚)安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 莫尔兹比港 (巴布亚新几内亚)
安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 维拉港 (瓦努阿图)安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 关岛 (关岛)

358 mesh fencing provides the highest degree of physical perimeter protection, ideal for sensitive areas requiring the maximum degree of security. From prisons and nuclear establishments; to computer centres, research laboratories and warehouses; to schools and retail areas, 358 mesh security fencing will provide outstanding security.

The ‘358’- style high security galvanized fence. The fence shall be a single layer welded mesh design with minimum 4milimiters (mm) horizontal and vertical circumference wires (horizontal wires to be on attack side);
The resulting mesh dimension shall not be larger than 76mm wide by 13mm high;
The length of each fence panel shall be 2.5m
Barbed tape concertina with 7 clips per spiral and short blades at 25mm centres;

Advantages :
The aperture is 72.2mm horizontal x 8.7mm vertical and makes 358 security fencing extremely difficult to penetrate using conventional hand tools, thus providing a high delay factor.

Despite the high degree of security, the visual impact of a 358 fence on the environment remains very discreet. It is specifically configured to give maximum visibility (important for clear camera surveillance and to identify intruders.)

358 security fencing is designed for compatibility with electronic alarm and detection systems.
Weld strength of this kind of security fencing is minimum of 75% to steel strength guaranteed on every weld.

Common sizes:
358 security fence
Inner aperture:72.2×8.7mm
Wire diameter:4mmm
Width: to 2.8m
Tensile of the wire:600-750N/m2
Welded strength:60%-80%
Height: to 6m

Surface treatment:
Zinc Class A (min. 275g/m²) or Class C (min. 110g/ m²) - coated - PVC Coating Optional. Heavy galvanised wire Class A (min. 275g/m²) or Lightly Galvanised wire Class B (min. 135g/m²) - coated - PVC Coating Optional.

About the company

Berming Security Fencing Co.

Activity: Berming Security Fencing Co.

Referral Link
358 Security Fence: Anti-cut fence, Anti-climb Mesh Security Fence